You Will Never Feel Ready
There is this fallacy of thinking that you will, one day, finally be ‘THERE’ and no, I am not even talking about ‘THERE’ at the dream. NOOOOO, you have the flawed idea that you will get to an initial ‘THERE’ that will mean you are now ready to start moving to the real ‘THERE’.
And so you mess around.
Telling yourself stories of getting ready.
Telling yourself stories of needing to be sensible.
Telling yourself stories of when I have this or do that or this person has got the other thing… THEN, I will be ready.
And all the while, time is a-wasting and you feel more and more stuck in your current situation and it seems harder and harder to ever make a start.
And before you know it, another week, month, year, TEN FREAKING years is gone and you are still waiting to be at the ‘THERE’ before the real ‘THERE’.
HOW CRAZY is that, love?!
today is the day to begin so just take some action (flawed or not) and begin.
You are worthy of the best of everything but you only get all that, if you move your butt.
If you are ready to move, then we need to talk —
Much Amazing Love