Your Family Drains You & You Keep Letting Them.
When will you realise that this is your one life?
You keep giving it away to friends, family, spiritual leaders, bosses, any old person.
You keep trying to obey traditions and rules and cultural norms that you do not feel comfortable with.
You keep going to people’s houses you don’t want to go to because you are ‘supposed’ to.
You keep helping people you don’t really want to help but you do it because again, you are ‘supposed’ to.
You keep working a job/business that sounds good on paper but drains your soul but hey, you are ‘SUPPOSED’ to.
You keep doing EVERYTHING for everyone else.
Sometimes, they are happy.
A lot of times, they are not even appreciative.
But you just keep going, trying to be good and nice and kind (according to whose definition?).
Honey, you STILL HAVE NOT taken the time to figure out what YOU want from life.
But you just keep jumping, jumping, JUMPING to their every command.
And your time is going, going, going.
You feel the sadness inside of you but you ignore it, try to drown it out & tell yourself it is normal adult life and you just need to get used to it.
When will you wake up to what you are doing to yourself?
You tell yourself that the Divine wants you to honour this person and do that thing but did you ask personally?
Or were you sneered at when you tried to stand up for yourself with that old classic “And you call yourself a christian/muslim/whatever it is that you are supposed to be” or another one that I used to have thrown at me was ‘Don’t be so childish/selfish’
And you allow guilt and shame at how bad you are being to make you play small and you just go along with whatever they want you to do.
And even when you rebel, you feel so bad about it that you may as well have been doing the thing they wanted because all your energy is drained in feeling guilty.
You are born for more and you know it.
You are different and you KNOW it.
This is not your life and you freaking KNOW it!
Your soul is calling out to you.
The Divine is reminding you why you came here.
Will you listen?
Or will you keep jumping through the hoops that others lay out for you?
Hoops that get you to nowhere but the next hoop.
I invite you to do life with me and let me support you in breaking free of the nonsense that keeps you bound up in a life that is not your own.
Come into the OPULENCE CIRCLE.
Show up.
Share your stories.
Do not hold back.
And let me help you see things differently and free yourself from the tyranny of other people’s demands.
It is time for you to LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE and to be freaking free!
But it is your choice.
Keep jumping through their hoops…?
Or start designing the peaceful, purposeful, prosperous life you desire… deliberately?
AWAKEN, my love!
The world awaits your full awakening.
Much Amazing Love