Your Past Is No Indicator Of Your Future
Ok, it is enough.
Enough of the pity parties.
Enough of the sad stories.
Enough of the picking out lessons from the past.
It is time to rise.
It is time to trust yourself again.
It is time to forgive yourself for any mistakes you feel you may have made.
The past is freaking done.
Rise up!
You have dreams, visions, grand ideas of when you desire out of life and they are yours to create, if you will choose to get out of your own way and begin.
You have wallowed enough.
It is time to rise up!
You are capable of your calling.
Your vision is your permission.
All the resources you need to begin are waiting within you, to be woken up and utilised.
Change the story you are telling yourself.
Make it one of power and possibility, rather than sadness and despair.
And for goodness’ sake, stop comparing your journey to anyone else’s — Yours is uniquely yours.
TRUST the whisper within you.
TRUST the picture you see within you of what you can create.
Oh the magnificence of you, as you get back on path and begin to walk, crawl run in the direction of your vision.
Oh the power that is waiting to be unleashed as you realise you are a lot stronger than you thought.
Tap back into Source within. You are not alone in this.
Grab a free copy of SPIRIT SPEAKS at Use it to clarify your life’s purpose.
It is time.