Member-only story
Your Sexuality Is Powerful — Own It!
For as long as I can remember, I have been that weird one who loved God and also quite loved the sensations that feeling sexy gave me.
However, I also felt that they did not combine all that well…
I somehow got it into my head that sex was dirty and Spirit good, clean and never ever must the two meet so imagine all the guilt and shame that was going on in my little head as I tried to work out these crazy ideas…
And who can you talk to about this kind of thing?
Your preacher person is trying to cast out the demons from you…
And I am not even sure who your local sexual guide is supposed to be…
And then add to all that a feeling that you cannot communicate with your own higher power because you have never been taught how…
People have just told you to believe what they want you to believe and you have gone along with it because you did not know there was any other way to live life…
And yes, you have your holy book but even it seems to both vilify your sexual tendencies as well as exalt them.
Confusing, right?!
And this caused me to hold back…
To be less…